Belinda from Mudpies & Tiaras shared her review of our Ophelie and Her Chicks... sounds as though her and her "Little Miss" are loving it!
"Little Miss loved Ophelie and her chicks! She liked the different textures and enjoyed chewing on these toys as well. I really liked how all the chicks made different sounds. Little Miss got a huge grin on her face when I made the one chick chirp! She also thought it was funny when I put the chicks on my fingers and made them dance around. I love that this toy will grow with baby girl. At this stage, she can enjoy the bright colors, varying textures, and fun sounds. As she gets older, she can develop her color matching and number skills. It will also help with her fine motor skills as she learns to put the chicks in the egg and take them out. Ophelie and Her Chicks is an all around great toy that Little Miss will enjoy for a long time!
Ohphelie and Her Chicks is recommended for ages 6 months and up and retails for $39.95. You can find it and the other great Lilliputiens toys at HABA. Connect with HABA on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to see all the latest toys they have to offer!"
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