Getting Started With Cloth Diapers is Easier and More Convenient Than You Think!
For our second of three blog posts in our Earth Week series and in anticipation of The Great Cloth Diaper Change this coming Saturday, we have chosen to spotlight GroVia - a modern cloth diaper company out of Montana that has helped consumers remove over 160 Million disposable diapers from our world's waste stream since they started in 2009.
Want to WIN an Earth-Friendly Baby prize pack?
At the end of the post you will have the opportunity to enter to win an Earth-Friendly Baby prize pack worth over $300 featuring a Lassig Green Label diaper bag (made from recycled plastic bottles!) filled with HABA toys and everything you need to try the GroVia Hybrid diapering system!
Cloth Diapering, Even Just Part Time Allows Your Family to Make a Positive Impact on the Environment on a Daily Basis
What if you could not only save thousands of dollars, but prevent up to 6,000-7,000 diapers from entering landfills (per child)? For many parents, this idea intrigues them but the thought of getting started with cloth diapering is a bit overwhelming.
When most people think of cloth diapers, they think of those bulky, blanket-type things their parents and grandparents used when they were babies. And what about those huge, old-school safety pins, the crinkly plastic "bloomers" and the expensive diaper service? Well, guess what? While we were growing up, so was the cloth diaper industry.
Being in Tune to What Parents Were Looking For to Create the Perfect Cloth Diaper
Fortunately, modern cloth diapers are much different than those from our childhood. One company in particular that has revolutionized cloth diapering is GroVia. Kim Ormsby, Founder, Chief Innovator and mother of six started GroVia after using and selling just about every brand and variety of diaper out there. Every time she used one on her own child, she would think "oh if it just did this, or if it just worked this way, it would be perfect the perfect diaper." She made sure to keep a list of these ideas in the back of her mind. After dabbling in selling various baby products on a small online store, Ormsby decided she was finally ready to invent her own cloth diaper.
And so, the GroVia Hybrid was born. Ormsby's mission was to "Create a product that any Mom or Dad could see the appeal in." As a mother herself, she knew that in order to be something other parents would buy; it would have to be convenient, modern and fun to use. Cloth diapering is a great way for young families to save money, but it also had to be easy and practical for every day use.
Parents today are busier than ever and unlike past generations, most families rely on both parents working. This means that many children attend daycare outside of the home. Traditional cloth diapers were not really seen as "daycare friendly." GroVia has since changed that with their Hybrid Cloth Diaper system.
Earth-Friendiness Meets Convenience
Since they started in 2009, GroVia has seen great success in spreading awareness for cloth diapering. Because of Ormsby's urge to fill a need that she saw, she has taken the industry to the next level. By taking the convenient elements of a disposable diaper, like the double gusseted legs for that great fit and the adjustability via the industry's first hook and loop panel, GroVia is helping to make cloth diapering mainstream again.
GroVia Hybrid Experience Package - Organic Cotton
GroVia offers waterproof shells that will fit babies ranging from 8-30 pounds, in many different attractive patterns. When a GroVia diaper is soiled and needs to be changed, usually the only thing that needs to be switched out is the cotton liner that snaps in and out. This is the revolutionary part; because only the liner needs to be changed, the amount of dirty laundry generated and water required to wash it is reduced.
What makes this system even more convenient is when families are out and about, or the child is at daycare, this hybrid system can become partly disposable. Instead of the organic cloth liner, GroVia also offers biodegradable BioSoakers. Like the cotton liners, these too can be snapped in and out, but can be disposed of right away. A disposable diaper is believed to take 500 years to biodegrade but a GroVia disposable BioSoaker will biodegrade in about 90 days and does not contain chlorine, plastics, dyes or fragrances. Usually the number one reason why people will not consider using cloth diapers is the inconvenience it poses when they are not home. With the Grovia BioSoaker, that is no longer an issue.
IMO Certified to Ensure Sustainable Farming, Fair Wages & Safe Ingredients
In addition to being a cloth diaper company that helps consumers reduce the amount of waste they are generating, Grovia is also the only diaper company that uses IMO certified cotton for the production of their products. In order for a raw product to be IMO certified, it must be grown without the use of synthesized fertilizers or pesticides, synthetic defoliants or genetic modifications, and water usage and soil fertility is closely monitored. This means that not only is the final product eco-friendly, GroVia's practices also take the entire carbon footprint of the diaper into consideration. Even though cotton diapers require water, organic cotton requires less than conventional cotton. To add even more eco-icing to the cake, cloth diapers are not limited to one child. GroVia diapers are made with such quality that they can be used for multiple children which minimizes the footprint even more.
A Stunning Fact Most People Don't Know...
Aside from the upfront cost (which isn't as much as you'd think!), the number two reason people have against cloth diapering is the "large amounts of water it requires." Little do they know, it takes 9 gallons of water to produce just one disposable diaper! In doing the math, 9 gallons x 6,000 disposables (and that is on the low end!), that is 54,000 gallons, as opposed to the approximate 15,300 gallons of water a cloth diapering family will use over a 2.5-year diapering period. So, not only do disposable diapers generate more solid waste than cloth, they also require over 3 times more water.
In short, cloth diapering is easier and more convenient than you think! It will also save you and your family hundreds, if not thousands of dollars you could be spending on fun things. Better yet, it is healthier for your child. So why not give it a try? This is your chance to do something huge for the environment (and your wallet!) on a daily basis!
Visit Grovia's website to find out everything you want to know about cloth, including tips to help you get started, product descriptions on all of their products including the Hybrid, All in One, and Absorbency products, and detailed diaper care instructions.
If you're convinced that Cloth is for you, or you'd just like to give it a shot, now is a great time to buy because GroVia is running a 20% off Sale for Earth Day!
Stay tuned!
In our next post, we will introduce you to Lassig - an eco-friendly baby and kids fashion and accessories company based in Germany.
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(contest ends at 11:59PM (EST) 4/29/14)
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