Me: Did you have fun at the Easter egg hunt? 7: No. The eggs were scattered everywhere. Me: You know that's the point, right? — Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) March 25, 2016
My kid elbowed 7 Aidans and 4 Kadens to get his Easter egg hunt haul cuz go big or go home. — Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) April 11, 2017
Guess it's time to shop for an Easter dress shirt that my 4yo can wipe his boogers on. — Karen Johnson (@21stcenturysahm) April 7, 2017
It's cool how my kid can find 87 pieces of plastic at this egg hunt in 10 minutes, but he can't find his shoes if they're sitting in his lap — Salty Mermaid (@Jenn_H_Scott) April 12, 2017
Easter tip: Tell your kids you hid an egg with $50 in it in the backyard but you don't remember where. Enjoy a quiet day indoors. — Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) March 24, 2017
You wouldn't believe all of the Easter eggs I just found lying in the grass outside of this preschool. — Simon Holland (@simoncholland) April 12, 2017
My kids say they are running away if I put Peeps in their Easter baskets this year. Challenge accepted. — Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) April 12, 2017
"2nd place is the first loser," and other things I whisper to my kids before the start of an Easter egg hunt. — Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) April 13, 2017
Sorry I knocked over your 6 year old but I saw the money Easter Egg first. — Simon Holland (@simoncholland) April 9, 2017
Spoiler Alert: The Easter Bunny didn't come hoppin' down the bunny trail he sleepily tripped over toys while throwing eggs in all directions — MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) March 27, 2016
If your church doesn’t have a freaky giant bunny costume to scare kids then what’s the point of having an Easter Egg Hunt??? — The Xian Satirist (@TheXianSatirist) April 8, 2017
We buy candy on sale the day after holidays. It confuses my kids, though. I hope they like their Easter baskets full of chocolate Santas. — James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) April 10, 2017
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