toy store
Age of Reason
Westport, (203) 226-8199
At your wits’ end coming up with a birthday party present? Get thee to Age of Reason, deliver yourself into the capable hands of one of the trusty saleswomen, and presto, problem solved. They’ll take you by the hand and lead you around, pointing out this or that wonderful creative gift idea among the abundance of toys, models, books and games. What you won’t find: commercial tie-ins, action figures and the like. “In general,” says manager Helene Kurtz, “if Toys R Us carries it, we don’t.” What you will find is a host of interesting, educational (in a good way) alternatives such as Lego Architecture kits, jewelry-making and tie-dye kits, Djeco French puzzles and crafts, Haba blocks, books of Chinese fairy tales, and plenty of things that appeal to “kids of all ages.”
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