HABA Makes A Splash With Tots Who Prefer A Little Sand (or Water) Between Their Toes
HABA's Colorful Sand & Water Toys Are Always In Season
Skaneateles, NY (April 30, 2013) -- Why do kids adore spending time in the sandbox or splashing about in a pool? Sand, like water, is entertaining! Add a few toys to the mix and play time becomes a true adventure with digging, patting, pouring, sifting, measuring and dreaming. HABA, toymakers for children of all ages and developmental levels, has created five must-have toys the next time a trip to the beach, bathtub, sandbox or seashore is scheduled!
Little fingers and emerging muscles will get a great workout when playing with the sieve roller, shovel excavator, or tanker truck. Future chefs or short-order cooks will be fascinated with the big sand breakfast and pat-a-cake/bake. Look for these wet/dry toys and hundreds of other games and activities online at www.HABAusa.com or on store shelves by March 2013.
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